Election Day, April 2, 2019


I went to my local polling place this morning at 8:30 which is the fire station.  Coincidentally, I am a candidate on the ballot for the fire board, but that is not the subject of this report.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I noted a conspicuous bumper sticker that read “Impeach Trump” on a car conspicuously parked within the “NO ELECTIONEERING BEYOND THIS POINT” perimeter.

Three spaces from the door, people entering the building are informed that someone inside believes that POTUS has done something that warrants impeachment.

I identified myself and was handed a small paper to sign.  My signature was compared (and commented on) and I was directed to the Precinct 235 table where I was handed a ballot.

I was the only voter in the room.  I turned and asked, “Who drove the car with the ‘Impeach Trump’ sticker?”  This fellow raised his hand:

He is an election judge.

As I took his photo, I said that I was sure that Clerk O’Connor would want to know how her election judges were performing their duties.  Republican Clerks Helander and Wyckoff were extremely alert to this kind of abuse.  Perhaps it is too early to draw a conclusion about their successor, Democrat Clerk O’Connor, but this is not a good start.

In fact, several judges were in on this corruption.  A woman judge complained to me that the car could be parked beyond the limit.  I said that it wasn’t.  She asked how I knew.  I said that I had a photograph that shows that it wasn’t.  She said that cameras are not allowed.

Well, I cannot imagine why this woman, who had not been directly involved, chose to argue with me.  Shouldn’t a “judge” ascertain the facts for herself and then just do the right thing?  And why did she object to my camera when I said it contained evidence of an electioneering violation outside the building, but not when I was taking a photo inside?

A chivalrous judge with a name tag reading “Bill” interceded, saying that Trump was not part of this election.  I responded, “That’s right – its intimidation, like the Black Panthers in Philadelphia.”

(see:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Black_Panther_Party_voter_intimidation_case )

Why was Judge Bill making excuses for a clear violation?  Isn’t that further evidence that the intimidation that began in the parking lot extends into the very room where ballots are cast?

I marked my ballot and turned to the machine.  The woman who objected to my photographic evidence was not present to monitor my submission so Bill came over to (again) cover for her.  I had my ballot scanned, he thanked me for voting and I left.

There were no other voters present during my entire experience.  It was just me and a roomful of angry Democrats in control of the polling place.


-Don Russ

don dot russ at sbcglobal dot net